Monday, March 2, 2009

Someone's eating on like, five cents a day... again.

So, apparently the newest food trend is trying to eat on as little as possible. In her blog Less Is Enough Rebecca Currie is out to prove that you can eat just as nutritiously on $1 a day as you can un-nutritiously. She is surviving on a lot of carbs and grains and has lost some weight in the process, but has gained with it the frustration of eating on $1 a day, natch.

The more and more I read articles and blogs centered on this topic, my thought process has gone from "interesting" to "attention seeker." After a while, this isn't cute or triumphant anymore so much as it is just annoying. Really? $1? *sigh*

Would you go this far to prove a point? What do you think of such an extreme form of forced frugality?

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