Friday, January 23, 2009

Easy Money - Saving Idea: Leave Your Wallet At Home

It will save you more than you ever imagined - especially since you won't have any money!

No really, we've all had those days when we've been rushing out of the door, or changed purses or cars and left all of our identification and currency at home. We get ready to buy a coffee, or food, or something and reach into our pockets... and come up empty. This happened to me the other day when I was in one of the many convenience stores on campus. I picked up several frivolous items on my mental list, and then some. As I reached into my wallet to pay for my purchases, I realized that something vital was missing: my Act Card. Silly me took it out to use when I went to the Rec and forgot to return it to its nesting place. Alas, I had to leave my purchases and curse myself for my mistake. But, I was able to hold on to my Dining Dollars a little longer.

So, has this happened to you before? What did you do?

1 comment:

Adrian Garcia said...

Definitely happened. Although, I usually check to make sure I have some form of plastic (ACT card, Debit card, ETC) before I get to the check-out counter or start shopping.