Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama makes his departments cut back


President Obama has started making budget cutbacks in his own workplace, namely within the many departments that make up the Cabinet. He has begun a $100 budget cut challenge that will be in effect over the next three months. Small steps are key, ranging from ordering office supplies in bulk (Homeland Security) to switching to video conferencing (Veterans Affairs). Bigger changes though, like consolidating 1500 employees into a single office,(Agriculture) prove to be a bit more challenging.

Although you have to admire the President's tenacity, the cuts will only chip away at < href="http://hotair.com/archives/2009/04/20/obama-demands-00029-budget-cut-after-running-up-spending/"> less that 1% of the National Debt. I think that the President hopes leading by example will help others to focus on cutting spending. Thoughts?

1 comment:

JChain said...

I think he forgot to inform his wife to 'lead by example' when it comes to spending money wisely as she continues to show up in public with clothing with outrageous price tags. IE: $1,500 dresses and $540 TENNIS SHOES! See link below.
